Bourne Community Boating

Choosing a Class

4-Week Classes

Best option to progress through BCB's program to eventually complete the instructor training class.

Beginning Sailing is designed to introduce learners over the age of 7 to the basics of sailing.This class is most appropriate for students with very little or no former guided experience with sailboats. 8’ single handed prams are used for the instruction.

Advanced Beginners is designed for sailors who have completed the beginning sailing course and/or are comfortable with the sailing basics. Prerequisite: Instructor recommendation or assessment.

Intermediate Sailing is for sailors that should have completed the advanced beginner class and/or have measurable experience on the water. Prerequisite: Instructor recommendation or assessment.

Adventurers / Learn to Race is a class for experienced learners who seek to continue skill development and exploration beyond intermediate sailing. Students enrolled in this class should have considerable experience single-handing and crewing on small boats. Sailors will use Bullseyes, Lasers and 420s in this class.Prerequisite: Completion of the Intermediate Sailing class, or instructor recommendation or assessment.


1-Week Classes

Best option for those not able to commit to 4 weeks or if wanting to try out sailing first

Mummichogs (Chogs) is a morning class for young learners between the ages of 6-8, designed to provide exposure to on/around the water learning experiences. Emphasis is placed upon fun, experiential/project based learning and developing comfort and confidence in the marine environment. Parents are encouraged to volunteer as leaders, and sessions are held weekly.

Ocean Explorers is designed for all ages, with a typical class size of 4 or 5 students to 1 instructor. The week long class combines sailing, swimming, paddle boarding and beach games with hands on marine biology lessons. Participants in this class can expect to visit new areas around Phinneys Harbor by boat and learn about the local marine habitat. The class will be available in both the morning and afternoon. 




Simply select an appropriate morning and afternoon class during the same week and stay all day.  There will be a supervised hour to relax on the beach and eat lunch between classes.